“Co-Warehousing Provider Signs Lease in S. Fulton”

"Co-Warehousing Provider Signs Lease in S. Fulton"

A new co-warehousing facility is set to open in Atlanta’s South Fulton neighborhood later this month.

Known as SHIFT South Fulton, the facility offers over 100,000 square feet of space and a variety of warehousing options for businesses of all sizes. Located at 575 Wharton Drive Southwest, it features 67 rentable warehouse units ranging from 300 to 5,000 square feet that can be used for storage or workspaces. Additionally, there are also 13 office spaces available for use. Members will have access to amenities such as meeting rooms, loading docks, security services and round-the-clock entry. The facility also provides mail and package handling services.

According to Commercial Edge reports , the industrial building is owned by Pattillo Industrial Real Estate which acquired it in2018 for $4.2 million after undergoing a full renovation in2013.The property was originally built in1978.

SHIFT South Fulton’s prime location puts it within just10 miles from downtown Atlanta with easy access via major thoroughfares such as U.S routes70and78as well interstates20and285.Additionally,Hartsfield-JacksonAtlantaInternationalAirportis less than20miles away,southeastofthefacility.This makesit an ideal locationforbusinesses lookingtoestablisha presenceintheareaorexpandtheir operationsinAtlanta.Furthermore,theSouthFultonneighborhoodoffersa thriving business communitywith plentyofopportunitiesfor growthandsuccessfulcollaborationsamongstitsmembers.

In summary,a newco-warehousingproviderwillbeopening its doorsatSHIFTSouthFultonlaterthismonthofferingover1000squarefeetofspacewithvariousoptionsforbusinessesofallsizes.Itsconvenientlocationwithin10milesofdowntownAtlantamakesitanidealchoiceforthoselookingtostartorexpandtheiroperationsinthecity.Withamenitiessuchasmeetingrooms,docks,securityservices,and24/7entry,itprovidesanidealworkingspaceforbusinesseslookingtothriveintheSouthFultonneighborhood.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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