Callahan Completes Luxury Senior Living Projects Duo

Callahan Completes Luxury Senior Living Projects Duo

Callahan Construction Managers, located in Bridgewater, MA, has successfully finished two upscale senior living communities for Anthology Senior Living. These include Anthology of Natick and Anthology of Millis.

Anthology of Natick is situated at 119 E. Central St. in Natick, MA and spans over 82,274 square feet with 62 assisted living units and 24 memory care units.

Anthology of Mills is a complex covering an area of 117,268 square feet at125 Dover Rd. in Millis, MA. Callahan constructed a total of14 independent living townhouses along with the main building that houses67 assisted living units and24 memory care units.

The project team for both these projects consisted not only Callahan but also The Architectural Team,WBA Engineers as mechanical engineer,Dubin Engineers as plumbing engineer,Electrical Systems Engineering as electrical engineer,and GLM Engineeringas civil engineer.

Callahan has recently completed two high-end senior living residences on behalfof Anthology Senior Living:AntholgyofNatickat119E.CentralSt.inNatick,MAspanningover82Ksquarefeetandincluding62assistedlivingunitsand24memorycareunits;andAnothlogyofMillisat125DoverRd.inMillis,MAtotaling117Ksquarefeetwith14independentlivingtownhousesandalargebuildinghousing67assistedlivingunitsand24memorycareunits.CallahanteamedupwithTheArchitecturalTeam,WBAEngineers,DubinEngineersElectricalSystemsEngineering,andGLMEngineeringforthesuccessfulcompletionoftworesidencesaimedattop-notchseniorcitizens’comfortandsafety.Theseaccomplishmentsaretestamenttothecompany’sexpertiseandexperienceinthefieldofsustainableconstructionmanagementforthebenefitofitsclientsacrossthecountry

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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