California Housing Shortfall: Leading the U.S.

California Housing Shortfall: Leading the U.S.

According to Up for Growth, California has the highest housing underproduction in the United States with a shortage of 881,354 homes in 2021. This deficit is most severe in Ventura County where there is a gap of 12.5% between home construction and local needs. In fact, out of the top 25 metro areas with housing shortages, California claims eleven spots including Inland Empire, Madera, Salinas and more.

The nationwide housing underproduction has also increased by 3% since last year according to Housing Underproduction in the U.S. 2023 report which tracks long-term trends in housing development. The study reveals that this crisis is no longer limited to coastal and urban areas but has spread to suburbs as well as small towns and rural regions across America.

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