“Building a $160M Rockwall Plant: Fuel Cell Maker’s Latest Venture”

"Building a $160M Rockwall Plant: Fuel Cell Maker's Latest Venture"

Ballard Power Systems, a leading fuel cell manufacturer, has secured two US government grants worth $40 million to aid in the development of their new integrated Gigafactory in Rockwall, Texas. The facility, known as Ballard Rockwall Giga 1, will be situated on a 22-acre plot within the Rockwall Technology Park and is expected to commence operations by 2024.

In its initial phase of construction from 2024 through the end of 2027, Ballard plans to invest approximately $160 million into building and commissioning a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant with an annual production capacity of up to eight million membrane electrode assemblies and bipolar plates each. Additionally, it will have the capability to produce up to twenty thousand fuel cell stacks and engines per year – equivalent to three gigawatts.

Apart from receiving financial support from these grants totaling $40 million dollars for this project’s success; Ballard has also received assistance from the Rockwall Economic Development Corporation (REDC). REDC owns and manages the technology park where this facility will be located. They have provided various incentives such as land allocation along with financial support while aiding in planning approvals for this venture.

The news about Fuel Cell Maker constructing their new plant worth over $160M at its location near Dallas was first reported by Connect CRE .

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