Billingsley Moving Forward with Massive Collin County Project

Billingsley Moving Forward with Massive Collin County Project

Billingsley Co. is making progress on its latest development, Sloan Corners, located at the intersection of US 75 and SH 121 in Collin County. This master-planned project spans over 500 acres and will be split between Allen and Fairview.

Upon completion, the Allen portion of Sloan Corners will boast over six million square feet of office space, nearly 4,000 multifamily units, retail space spanning 120,000 square feet , a hotel with approximately270 rooms,and more than50 acres dedicated to parks and open spaces.

On the other hand,the Fairview side will feature4.4 million square feetof office space,two thousand multifamily homes,a hundred thousand square feetof retail,and a hotel with350 rooms.

Construction has already begun on Hartwood Square apartments which are expected to have210 units across four stories in their east buildingand269 units across four storiesin their larger west building.Leasing forthe east buildingis anticipatedto start in eitherthe third or fourth quarter of next year,followed by leasing forthe westbuildingin March or April2026.

Billingsley Co. is currently making strides towards completing its expansive development known as Sloan Corners located at US-75 and SH-121 intersection in Collin County. The project covers an area spanning over500 acresandwill be divided between AllenandFairview upon completion.

TheAllenportionofSloanCornerswill encompassover sixmillion sqft.of officespace,nearly4000multifamily dwellings,a sprawlingretailarea covering120000sqft.,ahotelwithapproximately270roomsas well asmorethan50acresdedicatedtoparksandotherspacesforpublicuse.Ontheflipside,Fairviewsidewillfeatureanofficespacecoveringanareaofaboutfourpointfour millionsq.ft.,twotousandmultifamilysuites,hundredthousandsq.ft.ofretailareaandalsoahotelwiththreehundredandfiftyrooms.

Construction has already commenced on Hartwood Square apartments, which will have two buildings. The east building will have four stories and 210 units while the west building, with a larger area of land to cover,will offer269unitsacrossfourstories.Leasingfortheeastbuildingisexpectedtobeginin eitherthethirdorfourthquarterofnextyearwhilethewestbuildingwillfollowsuit inMarchorApril2026.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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