Axon Receives Green Light for Development of Scottsdale Campus

Axon Receives Green Light for Development of Scottsdale Campus

The Scottsdale Planning and Zoning Commission has approved Axon Enterprise’s zoning plans for their new headquarters and mixed-use project. Originally, the company proposed 2,552 rental units but has since reduced it to 1,965. The plan also includes approximately 50,000 square feet of restaurant and retail space as well as a hotel with 435 rooms.

The first phase of the project will begin alongside obtaining permits for their 400,000-square-foot headquarters building. This phase will consist of constructing a total of 231 residential units along with the hotel. The second phase is scheduled to take place no earlier than in2027 and will include building an additional365 condosand262units.The thirdphaseisplannedfor2028with390units,andthefinalphasewilltakeplacein2029with717units.

Axon is currently one of Scottsdale’s top employers ranking at number eight on the list.They anticipate employing around1 ,500 people once construction is complete.

In summary,AxonhasbeenapprovedtodeveloptheirScottsdalecampuswhichwillconsistofmixed-usedevelopmentincludingresidentialandcommercialspaces.ThisprojectwillbeimplementedintwophasesoverthenextdecadeandsignificantlyimpactthejobmarketinScottsdaleasitplans to employ over1 ,500peopleatfullbuildout.

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