Annual CRE Pricing Decline Since 2010: First Across-the-Board Decrease

New York Office

All major property types experienced annual declines in April, marking the first time since September 2010 that prices fell across the board, according to MSCI Real Assets. The RCA CPPI National All-Property Index dropped 1.1% from March and 9.4% from April of 2022 due to a slide in apartment sector prices.

Industrial properties held out until last month when they saw both monthly and annual price drops of 0.5% and 0.8%, respectively . Apartment properties suffered the largest monthly decline at 1.5%, as well as an annual decrease of 12%.

Retail property prices decreased 6% year over year with a slight drop of 0..5 % since March – this is their largest yearly decline since 2010 when it posted an increase greater than 18%. Suburban office index was down 6..3 % compared to 3..8 for CBD offices; however, suburban offices were outperforming CBD ones up until January 2021 .

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