“Anchor Development by H-E-B in Allen: A Significant Mixed-Use Project”

"Anchor Development by H-E-B in Allen: A Significant Mixed-Use Project"

A 60-acre mixed-use development in Allen, led by Trammell Crow, is set to include an H-E-B supermarket as its anchor. Along with the grocery store, the project will feature offices, restaurants, shops and hundreds of apartments. Located at the southeast corner of Custer Road and State Highway 121 in Allen, construction is slated to begin later this year.

According to reports from The Dallas Business Journal , a townhomes-for-rent community with 102 units totaling 256,000 square feet will be part of the development at a cost of approximately $35 million. Additionally,a five-level parking garage and 434 apartment units spanning over4640square feet are also planned for phase oneofthe projectwithan estimated costof$83million.These multifamilyandtownhome rentalsare expectedto startconstructionin November2021andbe completedby December2026.
ESG Architects from Minneapolis have been selected as designers for both residential projects within this development.

Overall,theH-E-BanchoredAllenmixed-usedevelopmentisexpectedtobringexcitementandeconomicgrowthtothecommunityaswellasprovidingmuch-neededresidentialoptionsforfuture residents.Thisprojectwillundoubtedlyhaveapositiveimpactonthearea,andweareeagerlyanticipatingitscompletion.ConnectCREwillcontinuecoveringupdatesonthisdevelopmentastheybecomeavailable.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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