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Alliant Commercial Real Estate Lending Platform Launch

Alliant Commercial Real Estate Lending Platform Launch

Alliant Credit Union, headquartered in Chicago and one of the nation’s largest credit unions, has recently introduced SBL Edge – a lending platform specifically designed for small-balance commercial real estate borrowers in the multifamily, manufactured housing, and self-storage sectors.

According to Charles Krawitz, Head of Commercial Real Estate Lending at Alliant Credit Union: “SBL Edge was meticulously crafted by our team with an expert understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within the small balance commercial real estate market. We offer a competitive lending option for borrowers seeking loans between $2 million and $7.5 million.”

Through SBL Edge, owners of stabilized properties can easily refinance existing loans or fund acquisitions by working with experienced lenders who are dedicated to their success. The team behind this new platform includes former colleagues from LaSalle Bank – Peter Margolin , Jennyfer O’Neil , Sharon Mau – as well as Namita Tayal from ABN AMRO.

Don’t miss out on Connect Midwest: Multifamily , Affordable Housing Trends 2024 where G.Joseph Cosenza (Vice Chairman at The Inland Real Estate Group LLC & President at Inland Real Estate Acquisitions LLC) will be receiving a Lifetime Achievement Award followed by an insightful keynote interview . Join us on June 4th 2024 at W-Chicago City Center Hotel in Chicago IL! Register now to connect with your peers!

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