University of Houston to Invest $52 Million in Innovation Hub

University of Houston to Invest $52 Million in Innovation Hub

Universities across the country are increasingly investing in innovation hubs to better equip their students for success in business. The University of Houston is no exception, as they plan to break ground this fall on a 70,000-square-foot high-tech Innovation Hub with an estimated cost of $52 million.

The hub will be located adjacent to the M.D Anderson Library and is expected to open by spring 2025. It will house the Cyvia and Melvyn Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship, Energy Transition Institute, innovation programs and Presidential Frontier Faculty labs/offices – all designed with one goal: enhancing student creativity through deep immersion into entrepreneurship and building business plans around creative ideas from service industries up through hard tech sectors.

This project marks yet another step forward towards UH’s commitment towards providing its students with comprehensive resources that prepare them for successful careers in today’s ever changing economy

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