### GSA to Sell Hundreds of Non-Core Government Buildings
In an effort to reduce the federal government’s real estate footprint, the General Services Administration (GSA) plans to put hundreds of non-core, government-owned properties—primarily office buildings—up for sale. While the exact number remains uncertain, initial reports listed 443 properties, later revised to approximately 320, before the list was withdrawn altogether. The GSA has stated that a new list will be released soon.
The original roster included about 80 million square feet of space across most U.S. states, with a significant concentration in Washington, D.C., and its surrounding metro area. The GSA estimates that selling these properties could save up to $430 million in annual operating costs.
“Decades of funding deficiencies have resulted in many of these buildings becoming functionally obsolete and unsuitable for use by our federal workforce,” the GSA said in a statement. “We can no longer hope that funding will emerge to resolve these longstanding issues. GSA’s decisive action to dispose of non-core assets leverages the private sector, drives improvements for our agency customers, and best serves local communities.”
Among the properties initially listed is the GSA headquarters in Washington, D.C.