Neuberger Berman, a private investment firm, has signed a lease for 52,000 square feet at 191 North Wacker in Chicago’s West Loop. The negotiations were led by Savills’ Chicago Region President Robert Sevim and Vice Chairman Jim Wenk with support from Executive Managing Director Adam Southard. Transwestern represented the building.
The firm will occupy the top two floors of the 37-story office tower which offers over 730,000 square feet of rentable office space. According to Wenk, it is rare to find such prime office space available in this area and the top block of space was originally part of an anchor tenant’s lease. He believes that this is a perfect match between tenant and landlord.
With $508 billion under management for global institutions, advisors and individuals across equities, fixed income, private equity , real estate ,and hedge fund portfolios Neuberger Berman continues to grow its presence in Chicago’s thriving market.
Mental Health
Mental health refers to our overall psychological well-being – how we think about ourselves,
interact with others,
and cope with life’s challenges.
It includes both emotional and social aspects as well as cognitive functioning (how we process information). Mental health can also refer specifically to mental illnesses or disorders such as depression,
bipolar disorder,
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),
eating disorders
and many others.
However,it is important to note that having good mental health does not necessarily mean being free from any mental illness; rather it means having effective coping mechanisms in place when facing difficulties or challenges related to one’s emotions or thoughts.
Maintaining good mental health involves taking care of oneself physically by getting enough sleep,
exercising regularly,and eating nutritious foods;
as well as taking care of oneself emotionally by managing stress effectively through relaxation techniques,
seeking support from loved ones or mental health professionals, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.
Mental health is essential for overall well-being and impacts every aspect of our lives – from relationships to work performance. It is important to prioritize mental health and seek help when needed in order to live a fulfilling life.2021
In 2021, the world continued to grapple with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which began in late 2019. Vaccines were developed and rolled out globally, providing hope for an end to the pandemic.
The United States saw a change in leadership as Joe Biden was inaugurated as President on January 20th after winning the November election against incumbent Donald Trump.
In March, a mass shooting occurred at three different massage parlors in Atlanta, Georgia resulting in eight deaths including six Asian women. This sparked nationwide conversations about racism towards Asian Americans.
Protests against police brutality continued throughout the year following several high-profile cases of police violence against Black individuals such as George Floyd’s murder by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on May 25th.
The Tokyo Olympics were postponed until July-August of 2021 due to concerns over COVID-19 but ultimately took place with strict safety measures implemented for athletes and spectators alike.
Climate change remained at the forefront of global discussions as extreme weather events such as wildfires, hurricanes,and floods occurred aroundthe world.
On August 15th,the Taliban regained control over Afghanistan after two decades since their removal by U.S.-led forces following September11 attacksin2001.This ledtoa chaotic evacuation effortby foreign countriesand resultedin widespread fearfor Afghan citizensand refugeesaswell astheirrightsandsafetyunderTalibanrule.TheeventalsosparkeddebateoverU.S.foreignpolicyandmilitaryinterventionism.
In October,a new waveofCOVID-19casesemergedgloballydespitethevaccine rollout,leadingtofurtherrestrictionsandlockdownsinmanycountries.
In November, the COP26 climate summit took place in Glasgow, Scotland with world leaders discussing ways to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions.
The year also saw advancements in technology such as the successful launch of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft carrying astronauts to the International Space Station and major breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and quantum computing.
In December,a new variantof COVID-19knownas Omicron emergedin South Africaand quickly spread globally,resultingin renewedconcernsand restrictions. However,the year ended on a hopeful note as more people aroundthe world received vaccinations against COVID-19,making it possible for life to slowly return tonormalcy.Riot
A riot is a form of civil disorder characterized by group violence or destruction of property. Riots often occur when large groups of people feel angry or frustrated about an issue that they believe has not been properly addressed by those in power. This can include issues related to social injustice, economic inequality, political oppression, or other grievances.
Riots can be spontaneous outbursts triggered by a specific event or situation (such as police brutality), but they can also be planned and organized acts intended to achieve certain goals (such as overthrowing a government). They may involve looting businesses and setting fires; throwing rocks at buildings; attacking law enforcement officers; blocking roads; or engaging in other forms of violent behavior.
While riots are often associated with chaos and destruction, some argue that they serve an important role in bringing attention to systemic issues that need addressing. Others argue that riots only perpetuate violence without leading to meaningful change.
Governments typically respond harshly towards riots through increased police presence and arrests. In extreme cases where public safety is threatened, military forces may be called upon for assistance.
Overall,rallies,sit-ins,and peaceful protests are considered more effective means for advocating social change than riots. However, in some cases, riots may be seen as a last resort for marginalized communities who feel they have no other means of being heard.
Examples of notable riots include the Stonewall Riots (1969) which sparked the modern LGBTQ+ rights movement; the Los Angeles Riots (1992) following the acquittal of police officers involved in beating Rodney King; and more recent protests against police brutality and racial injustice such as those in Ferguson (2014), Baltimore (2015), and Minneapolis (2020).
In 2001, George W. Bush was inaugurated for his first term as President of the United States after winning a controversial election against Al Gore.
The September 11 terrorist attacks occurred on American soil, resulting in nearly 3,000 deaths and leading to major changes in national security policies.
The US launched military operations against Afghanistan to dismantle terrorist networks operating within its borders.
Enron Corporation filed for bankruptcy amid financial scandal involving fraudulent accounting practices that led to losses worth billions of dollars for investors.
Apple introduced their first iPod model which revolutionized portable music players with its sleek design and large storage capacity.
Wikipedia was launched by Jimmy Wales providing free online encyclopedia content written collaboratively by volunteers around world wide web users.
China joined World Trade Organization(WTO) making it one step closer towards becoming an economic superpower.
American businessman Dennis Tito became world’s first space tourist when he paid $20 million USD to travel aboard Russian spacecraft Soyuz TM-32 mission alongside two cosmonauts from Baikonur Cosmodrome Kazakhstan .
A massive earthquake measuring at magnitude 7.7 struck Gujarat state India killing over 20 thousand people leaving millions homeless .
Microsoft released Windows XP operating system ,which quickly became popular among computer users worldwide due its improved user interface compared previous versions .
The Euro currency officially entered circulation across twelve European Union countries replacing their respective national currencies.
The first Harry Potter movie, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” was released, launching a successful film franchise based on J.K. Rowling’s popular book series.
The United States signed the Patriot Act into law, expanding government surveillance powers in response to the 9/11 attacks.
In sports, Barry Bonds broke Mark McGwire’s single-season home run record by hitting 73 home runs for the San Francisco Giants.
Overall, 2001 was a year of major events and changes that would shape global politics and culture for years to come.
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title: ‘My View’,
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Voyager refers to multiple spacecrafts launched by NASA as part of its Voyager program. The two most well-known are Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 which were both launched in August of 1977 with the primary mission being to explore Jupiter and Saturn. However, due to their success at completing this mission ahead of schedule with valuable data collected from both planets’ moons as well as their rings; they were given extended missions that allowed them continue exploring deeper into our solar system than any other spacecraft before them had ever done so previously (at least until New Horizons arrived at Pluto). Both Voyagers carry Golden Records containing sounds/images/messages representing Earth life/culture/history should either be found by intelligent extraterrestrial life forms someday far off in future time when humans may no longer exist or have evolved beyond recognition from what we know ourselves today! Additionally each also carries an identical plaque made out gold bearing pictorial messages explaining where it came from how long it took get there along trajectory path taken plus other scientific information about our solar system and Earth’s location within it.O que é
Voyager é uma sonda espacial lançada pela NASA em 1977 como parte do programa Voyager para explorar os planetas exteriores do sistema solar. Existem duas sondas, a Voyager 1 e a Voyager 2, ambas equipadas com instrumentos científicos para estudar Júpiter, Saturno e suas luas.
As sondas também carregam um disco de ouro chamado Golden Record (Disco Dourado), contendo sons e imagens selecionados para representar a diversidade da vida na Terra caso sejam encontradas por seres extraterrestres no futuro distante.
As Voyagers são as primeiras espaçonaves humanas a entrar no espaço interestelar – o espaço entre as estrelas – após deixarem o sistema solar em 2012 (Voyager 1) e em novembro de 2018 (Voyager_Quando você está triste,
eu fico triste também,
não porque eu quero me sentir assim,
mas porque eu não suporto te ver sofrendo._
_Eu queria poder tirar toda sua dor
e colocá-la dentro de mim.
Eu faria qualquer coisa pra te ver feliz novamente._
_Meus pensamentos estão sempre com você;
meus desejos são todos seus;
minha preocupação é constante;
e meu amor por você nunca vai acabar._
_Você pode contar comigo sempre,
para tudo que precisar.
Eu estarei aqui ao seu lado,
até mesmo quando ninguém mais estiver._
_Prometo ser seu porto seguro,
seu abrigo nos dias difíceis.
Prometo estar presente nas suas conquistas
e segurar sua mão nas suas quedas._
_Você é a pessoa mais importante pra mim,
e farei tudo que estiver ao meu alcance
para te ver sorrir novamente.
Eu te amo, e sempre vou amar._2000
Em 2000, o mundo se preparava para entrar em um novo milênio. O avanço tecnológico era cada vez mais presente na vida das pessoas, com a popularização da internet e dos celulares. No Brasil, foi realizada uma grande festa de réveillon na cidade do Rio de Janeiro para celebrar a chegada do ano 2000.
No âmbito político nacional, Fernando Henrique Cardoso iniciou seu segundo mandato como presidente do país após vencer as eleições no ano anterior. No mesmo ano foi criado o Bolsa Escola (que depois se tornaria o Bolsa Família), programa social que visava combater a p