“The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Life Sciences Real Estate”

"The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Life Sciences Real Estate"

The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the life sciences industry has revolutionized various activities such as drug development, patient outcomes modeling, and supply chain and manufacturing processes. According to a recent article by CBRE, AI will also have a significant impact on real estate portfolios focused on life sciences in three key ways.

Increased Demand for Electricity and Power

As AI technology continues to advance, data centers are experiencing significant changes. This includes an increased use of graphics processing units (GPUs) and liquid cooling systems to manage heat levels. Additionally, the demand for data centers is expected to rise due to the implementation of AI technology. As a result, there will be a need for strategic collaboration between business leaders, technologists,and real estate stakeholders in order to effectively manage power density needs.

Influence on Lab Space/Office Design and Head Count

The adoption of AI technology will not only improve workspace quality but also increase collaboration space within offices. Skilled workers who are essential for operating this advanced technology require better office amenities which can attract them towards certain companies or organizations that offer these facilities.The article highlights that quality workspaces play an important role in retaining qualified employees who possess necessary skills required by biotechnology companies.

Impact on Clinical Outcomes

While there have been notable advancements made through the use of AI in certain areas,such as drug discovery,the impact it has had remains relatively new with most drugs still being at preclinical or discovery stages.Accordingly,a total numberof 75 molecules discovered using Alhave undergone clinical trials since 2015 with first-phase trials achieving up-to-90% success rate.However,no Al-developed drugs have yet received approval from regulatory authorities.This uncertainty around Al-based drugs emphasizes the needfor flexibilityin officeand lab spacesfor all typesandsizesoflife sciencecompanies.

Preparing For The Future

Althoughthe full potential ramificationsofAlinlife sciencesarestill unknown,it is crucialto start preparing for its impact on real estate portfolios. The article suggests that companies should take proactive measures to ensure their real estate portfolio is equipped to meet the future requirements of Al technology, while maintaining flexibility in the interim.

In conclusion, AI has already made a significant impact on the life sciences industry and will continue to do so in various aspects including real estate. As this technology continues to evolve, it is important for companies and organizations within this sector to adapt and prepare accordingly in order to stay ahead of the game.

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