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Midwest Commercial Real Estate Finance Firm Acquired by Gantry

Midwest Commercial Real Estate Finance Firm Acquired by Gantry

Gantry, Inc. has recently completed the acquisition of Triad Capital Advisors, Inc., a member of Q10 Capital, LLC. This strategic move has expanded Gantry’s servicing portfolio by more than $1.5 billion and solidified its position as one of the top mortgage banking companies in the nation.

The acquisition team was led by Michael Heagerty, George Mitsanas, Robert Slatt and Jeff Wilcox from Gantry.

As part of this expansion effort, Mark Reichter and Joe Monteleone – Principals at Triad Capital Advisors – will now hold an equity stake in the newly expanded Gantry organization. With offices located in St. Louis and Kansas City,Missouri,Triad has been a key player in commercial real estate financing throughout the Midwest region for many years.They specializein arranging debtand equity financing for multifamilyand commercial properties.

Robert Slatt , Principal at Gantry stated that “By integrating Triad’s strengths into our platform we are well positioned to further strengthen our presence withinthe Midwest market while maintainingour commitment to beingthe premier mortgage banking company nationwide.” The additionofTriadhas increasedGanty’s servicing portfoliotoan impressive $20 billion mark,making them oneofthelargest playersin thereal estate finance industry today.This latest development is sure to havea positive impact on both companiesas they continue togrow their respective businesses moving forward.

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