Possible Site for 561 Apartments in Biscayne Shores

Possible Site for 561 Apartments in Biscayne Shores

Ben-Josef Group Holdings is currently in the planning stages for a new apartment and commercial building to be constructed in Miami-Dade County’s Biscayne Shores neighborhood. As the project is still in its early stages, there may be changes to the initial plans.

The development will span 4.1 acres on the west side of Biscayne Boulevard, just south of Biscayne Shores and Gardens Park at 1400 N.E. 116th Street. The property was purchased by the developer for $3.2 million back in 2004.

The proposed project would consist of a total of 561 apartments, along with approximately 20,000 square feet of commercial space and parking for up to723 vehicles. In accordance with RTZ regulations,12.5%of these units would be designated as workforce housing.The site plan includes a15-story building on one side facing Biscayne Boulevard,and an eight-story building onthe other side.A pool deck atopthe parking garageand indoor amenities totaling5,988 square feetwould alsobe included between these two buildings.

Apartment sizes are expectedto range from414square feetforone-bedroomunits,to1,101squarefeetforthree-bedroomunits.This development has been identified asa potential locationfor those seekingapartmentsinBiscayneShoresandis setto bring much-neededhousing options to this area.

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