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“Atlanta Children’s Hospital Prepares for $1.5B Relocation”

"Atlanta Children's Hospital Prepares for $1.5B Relocation"

The official launch date for the new Arthur Blank Hospital is September 29, 2024. On this day, a total of 340 patients will be transported by ambulances to the state-of-the-art facility. As a result, Children’s Egleston hospital will cease operations and all current patients will be transferred.

In addition to relocating the patients, over 35,000 pieces of medical equipment must also be moved. Some floors at the new hospital have already been handed over to Children’s and preparations are underway for equipment transfer.

With a budget of $1.5 billion dollars, this modern hospital boasts an impressive capacity of 446 beds – an increase of 116 from Egleston’s current capacity. This significant expansion means that more staff members will need to be hired in order to meet demand.

Approximately 1,000 new employees will join Children’s team as they strive towards providing exceptional care at their newly established facility which is expected employ around total workforce size around approximately4 ,500 individuals .

Each patient can expect their own private room with ample space for parents or caregivers stay overnight if needed . Additionally , each floor features convenient amenities such as laundry facilities , family lounges and kitchenettes so families can do laundry or cook while staying close by during treatment .

This article discusses Atlanta Children’s Hospital’s upcoming move into their brand-new $1.5 billion facility on September
29thof2024.This highly anticipated event involves transporting340patientsvia ambulancestotheArthurBlankHospitalandclosingdowntheircurrentfacility.Children’sexpansiontothisnewhospitalmeansanincreaseinbedcapacityby33%,requiringthehiringofapproximately1000newstaffmembers.Thestate-of-the-artbuildingfeaturesprivatepatientrooms,familylounges,kitchenettes,andlaundryfacilitiesforeachfloor,makingitmoreconvenientforfamiliesduringtreatment.ConnectCREisexcitedtofollowthisdevelopmentandshareupdatesasthehospitalpreparesforitsbigmove.

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