Fastest Start on Record for Student Housing Pre-Leasing

Fastest Start on Record for Student Housing Pre-Leasing

The latest Yardi Matrix student housing report reveals that advance leasing for the 2024-2025 academic year has reached unprecedented levels. In October, pre-leasing for the Yardi 200 roster of major universities hit a record high of 25.2%, surpassing the previous record set in October 2022 at just 10.4%.

This year, final occupancy for fall semester in the Yardi 200 markets settled at a slightly lower rate of 94.6% compared to last year’s rate of96.2%. The decrease can be attributed to new properties struggling with pre-leasing or delivering late, resulting in an overall occupancy rate of only81.7% for properties completed in2013.

In terms of rent prices, average asking rent per bed among the Yardi200 markets was $854inOctoberforthe upcoming schoolyear,a6 .6 %increase fromlastyear.”Someoftheschoolswiththefastestpre-leasingarealreadyseeingrentsup15-25%year-over-year,”states thereportasoperatorscapitalizeonthehighdemand.

Pictured: Ohio University’s main campus leads all other schools on theYardil00listwiththeyear-over-yeargrowthinpreleasing.Theuniversityhasseenanimpressiveuptickindemandandisprojectedtocontinuetoexperiencesignificantgrowthinthecomingyears.Theseexcitingdevelopmentsdemonstratethestrongpotentialofthestudenthousingmarketanditsabilitytodeliverprofitableopportunitiesforinvestorsandsavvyoperatorsalike.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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