Landmark Spins Off Two Affordable Rental Properties in Miami

Landmark Spins Off Two Affordable Rental Properties in Miami

Landmark has recently completed the sale of two affordable housing communities in Miami, Malibu Gardens and Sunrise Commons. The properties were purchased by Lincoln Avenue Communities for a combined total of $54.3 million.

The transaction was brokered by Walker & Dunlop, with Eric Taylor leading the team representing both the buyer and seller.

Malibu Gardens was sold for $39 million after undergoing renovations in 2014 using Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs), tax-exempt bonds, HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds, and Miami-Dade County Surtax Loans. This community serves residents earning 40-60 percent of the area median income (AMI) and is located at 13800 S.W. 268th St., Naranja, Fla..

Sunrise Commons was sold for $15.3 million and originally financed with LIHTCs as well as surtax loans from Miami-Dade County / Florida Housing Finance Corporation . It is designated for residents earning either 33 or 60 percent of AMI and is situated at26600 S.W.146th Court in Homestead , Fla.

This recent sale marks Landmark’s successful divestment from these two affordable rental properties in Miami without compromising their affordability status under LIHTC regulations.

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