“Former Miami Starwood HQ Purchased by Black Lion and Massa for $82M”

"Former Miami Starwood HQ Purchased by Black Lion and Massa for $82M"

Black Lion and Massa Investment Group have recently acquired the former headquarters of Starwood Capital in Miami for $82 million. This marks Black Lion’s largest deal to date, as they join forces with Massa Investment Group to transform the property into a prime asset.

According to Robert Rivani, Black Lion is known for their innovative approach and ability to revitalize properties. Their vision for this space is groundbreaking, promising a unique hospitality office and retail experience that will set new standards in the area.

The property is located at 1601 Washington Avenue in South Beach’s historic district. It boasts 140,000 square feet of mixed-use development including ground-level retail spaces and a 499-space parking garage. Adjacent to Lincoln Road Mall, this eight-story building has been mostly vacant since Starwood’s departure in 2022.

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