775 Unit Mixed Use Development Opens in SeattleName: I am an AI digital assistant designed to assist and communicate with users. I do not have a name, but you can call me OpenAI. How can I assist you?Rental Rental refers to the act of leasing or hiring out a property, vehicle, or equipment for a specified period of time in exchange for payment. The person or company who rents out the property or item is known as the landlord or lessor, while the person who pays for the rental is known as the tenant or lessee. Renting is a common alternative to purchasing, and is often used for short-term or temporary use. x A The letter “A” is the first letter of the alphabet. It is a vowel and is pronounced as “ay” or “uh.” In English, it is used to form words such as apple, animal, and ant. In music, it is also used to represent the note A on the musical scale. In mathematics, it is often used as a variable to represent a quantity or number. The uppercase version of the letter A is written as “A” and the lowercase version is written as “a.” Sudoku Sudoku is a

775 Unit Mixed Use Development Opens in SeattleName: I am an AI digital assistant designed to assist and communicate with users. I do not have a name, but you can call me OpenAI. How can I assist you?Rental Rental refers to the act of leasing or hiring out a property, vehicle, or equipment for a specified period of time in exchange for payment. The person or company who rents out the property or item is known as the landlord or lessor, while the person who pays for the rental is known as the tenant or lessee. Renting is a common alternative to purchasing, and is often used for short-term or temporary use. x A The letter "A" is the first letter of the alphabet. It is a vowel and is pronounced as "ay" or "uh." In English, it is used to form words such as apple, animal, and ant. In music, it is also used to represent the note A on the musical scale. In mathematics, it is often used as a variable to represent a quantity or number. The uppercase version of the letter A is written as "A" and the lowercase version is written as "a." Sudoku Sudoku is a

The Puget Sound Business Journal has reported that Grand Street Commons, a new mixed-use development in Seattle, is now open. This transit-oriented project is located in the Judkins Park neighborhood and features 775 housing units and 25,000 square feet of retail space. Nearly half of the residential units are affordable and the development is conveniently situated near the future Judkins Park Link station on I-90 which will be operational by 2025.

Developed by Lake Union Partners and Mt. Baker Housing, Grand Street Commons has revitalized several previously neglected blocks into a vibrant mixed-use community with a public plaza along Rainier Avenue South. The project has already secured SkyZone as a tenant with negotiations underway for an additional 12,000-square-foot space to be occupied by a local grocer. Connect CRE reports that this exciting new development offers something for everyone with its diverse mix of housing options and convenient location near public transportation.
x = int(input(“Enter first number: “))
y = int(input(“Enter second number: “))

# Addition
print(x + y)

# Subtraction
print(x – y)

# Multiplication
print(x * y)

# Division (float)
print(x / y)

#Division (floor)
print( x //y )

# Modulus
print( x %y )

# Exponentiation
print( x ** Y )Subtracting two numbers means finding their difference or how much one number needs to decrease or increase to become equal to another number.

For example:

If we have two numbers:
– Number A = 10
– Number B = 6

To subtract these two numbers means finding out how much we need to decrease Number A so it becomes equal to Number B.

In this case:
Number A – Number B = ?
10 – ?=6

We can see that if we subtract four from ten (10), then the result will be six (6). Therefore, the answer is 4.

So, Number A – Number B = 10 – 6 = 4

In other words, we can say that subtracting two numbers means finding the difference between them. It is also known as “taking away” or “deducting”.Flashcard Subject: APUSH Chapter One Vocabulary

Q: Canadian Shield
A: a zone undergirded by ancient rock; first part of what became North America to have emerged above sea level; located around Hudson Bay in present-day Canada.

Q: Incas
A: highly advanced South American civilization that occupied present-day Peru until it was conquered by Spanish forces under Francisco Pizarro in mid-16th century.

Q: Aztecs
A: Native American empire that controlled present day Mexico until they were conquered by Spanish conqueror Hernán Cortés in early years of sixteenth century.
Flashcard Subject: Unité II : Les mots de vocabulaire pour les activités quotidiennes et la routine quotidienne

Q: se réveiller (je me réveille)
Aujourd’hui je me suis reveillée à sept heures du matin.
Je dois toujours mettre mon alarme pour ne pas être en retard au travail.
Mon chat aime bien se coucher sur moi quand je dors et ça peut être très ennuyeux!
J’aime prendre un café le matin après m’être réveillé(e).
Quand j’étais enfant ma mère devait souvent venir dans ma chambre plusieurs fois avant que je me lève finalement!
Le week-end j’adore faire la grasse matinée! Je peux dormir jusqu’à midi parfois!
Je n’ai jamais été une personne qui dort beaucoup mais depuis que j’ai commencé à travailler cela a changé. Maintenant il me faut au moins huit heures de sommeil pour être en forme.
A: to wake up
Today I woke up at seven in the morning.
I always have to set my alarm so that I won’t be late for work.
My cat likes to sleep on top of me when I’m sleeping and it can be very annoying!
I like having a coffee in the morning after waking up.
When I was a child, my mother often had to come into my room several times before finally getting me out of bed!
On weekends, I love sleeping in! Sometimes, i can sleep until noon!
I’ve never been someone who sleeps a lot but since starting work this has changed. Now i need at least eight hours of sleep.

Q: se lever (je me lève)
Je dois toujours mettre mon réveil sinon je vais dormir toute la journée !
J’aime bien prendre une douche après m’être levé(e). Cela m’aide à bien commencer ma journée et à être plus énergique !
Mon frère est un oiseau de nuit donc il se couche très tard et se lève tard aussi. Je ne comprends pas comment il fait pour rester debout si longtemps !
Quand j’étais étudiant(e), je détestais avoir des cours tôt le matin car cela signifiait que je devais me lever tôt ! Maintenant que j’ai un travail régulier, cela ne pose plus problème car je suis habitué(e) à ce rythme-là maintenant .
A: To get up
If not for setting an alarm clock then i would end uo sleeping all day long!!
After getting out from bed ,i like taking shower .It helps start off well with more energy throughout the day!!
My brother is night owl therefore he stays awake till late and wakes-up later too.I don’t understand how he manages to stay up for so long!
When i was a student ,i hated having early morning classes as it meant getting up early!Now that I have regular job,that’s not an issue anymore because now i’m used to this routine.

Q: se laver (je me lave)
Je me lave les mains avant de manger et après être allé(e) aux toilettes.
J’aime bien prendre une douche le soir car cela m’aide à me détendre avant d’aller dormir.
Quand j’étais enfant, je détestais prendre un bain car je trouvais ça ennuyeux. Maintenant que je suis adulte, j’apprécie plus les moments de relaxation dans la baignoire !
Mon frère est très paresseux donc il ne se lave pas souvent ! Cela peut être très agaçant pour moi qui aime rester propre tout le temps.
A: To wash
I wash my hands before eating and after using the bathroom .
I like taking shower in evening as it helps relax before going to bed .
As a child,i hated taking bath because found it boring . Now that I am adult,I appreciate more relaxing moments in bathtub!
My brother is very lazy therefore he doesn’t take bath often! It can be really annoying for someone like who likes staying clean all the time .

Q: s’habiller (je m’habille)
Je dois toujours choisir mes vêtements la veille sinon je vais perdre trop de temps le matin !
En hiver,j’ai tendance à mettre plusieurs couches pour avoir chaud. Je n’aime pas du tout avoir froid alors mieux vaut prévenir que guérir !
Au travail,nous avons un code vestimentaire strict donc nous devons porter des tenues professionnelles tous les jours. Cela peut être ennuyeux parfois car j’aimerais bien porter des vêtements plus décontractés.
Mon frère est très à la mode donc il passe beaucoup de temps à choisir ses tenues. Je ne comprends pas comment il fait pour s’habiller aussi vite !
A: To get dressed
I always have to choose my clothes the night before otherwise i will end up wasting too much time in morning!
In winter, i tend to wear multiple layers to keep warm.I really don’t like being cold so it’s better safe than sorry!
At work, we have a strict dress code so we have to wear professional attire every day.It can be boring sometimes because I would like wearing more casual clothes.
My brother is very fashionable therefore he spends lot of time choosing his outfits.I don’t understand how he manages getting dressed quickly!

Q: se brosser les dents (je me brosse les dents)
Je me brosse les dents deux fois par jour : le matin et le soir avant de dormir.
J’utilise toujours du dentifrice avec un goût mentholé car j’aime cette sensation de fraîcheur dans ma bouche après m’être brossé(e)les dents .
Quand j’étais enfant, je détestais aller chez le dentiste mais maintenant je n’ai plus peur ! J’ai compris que c’est important pour avoir une bonne santé bucco-dentaire .
Mon frère oublie souvent de se brosser les dents avant de dormir et cela peut causer des problèmes dentaires. Je lui rappelle tout le temps qu’il doit prendre soin de ses dents !
A: To brush one’s teeth
I brush my teeth twice a day : in the morning and at night before going bed . I always use toothpaste with mint flavor because i like the fresh feeling in my mouth after brushing.
As a child, i hated going to dentist but now I’m no longer afraid! I’ve understood that it’s important for good oral health .
My brother often forgets to brush his teeth before bed and that can cause dental problems. I always remind him that he needs take care of his teeth!

Q: prendre le petit déjeuner (je prends le petit déjeuner)
Je sais que c’est cliché mais je crois vraiment que le petit déjeuner est le repas le plus important de la journée !
J’aime bien manger des œufs brouillés et du bacon avec un toast pour mon petit-déj. Cela me donne assez d’énergie pour tenir jusqu’à midi sans avoir faim.
Quand j’étais étudiant(e), je n’avais pas l’habitude de prendre un vrai petit-déj car j’avais toujours trop sommeil ! Maintenant, je ne peux pas commencer ma journée sans avoir mangé quelque chose au réveil.
Mon frère saute souvent son repas du matin parce qu’il se lève tard et il dit qu’il n’a jamais faim à cette heure-là. Je lui dis tout le temps que c’est mauvais pour sa santé !
A: To have breakfast
I know it’s clichéd but i truly believe breakfast is the most important meal of day!
I like having scrambled eggs and bacon with toast for my breakfast . It gives me enough energy to last until noon without getting hungry .
When i was student ,i wasn’t used having proper breakfast as always too sleepy! Now,i can’t start off day without eating something first thing in morning .
My brother often skips his morning meal because he wakes up late and says he never feels hungry at this time.I tell him all time how bad it is for his health!

Q: aller au travail (je vais au travail)
Je dois prendre le bus pour aller travailler car je n’ai pas de voiture.
J’aime bien mon trajet en bus car cela me permet de lire ou d’écouter un podcast pendant que je suis assis(e) confortablement.
Mon frère a la chance d’avoir un emploi à distance donc il peut travailler depuis chez lui. Je suis parfois jaloux(se) qu’il n’ait pas à faire le trajet tous les jours !
Quand j’étais étudiant(e), j’avais l’habitude de marcher jusqu’à l’université mais maintenant que j’ai un vrai job, c’est plus difficile pour moi de me motiver à faire du sport régulièrement .
A: To go to work
I have to take the bus to go work as i don’t own a car .
I like my commute on

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