“$500M Renovation Project Planned for UN Plaza”

"$500M Renovation Project Planned for UN Plaza"

The Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, along with Governor Kathy Hochul and the United Nations Development Corporation (UNDC), have revealed plans for a $500 million development project at One and Two United Nations Plaza. This expansive project will cover around 900,000 square feet and involve renovations to both buildings by UNDC as well as their tenants.

As part of this agreement, the United Nations has committed to long-term leases for space at UN Plaza. Construction is set to begin in the second quarter of 2025 with Spacesmith serving as the architect for the project, Cosentini Associates handling mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineering work, and Turner Construction Company acting as construction manager. CBRE advised UNDC while Newmark advised on behalf of the UN.

According to George Klein, chairman of UNDC: “The partnership between The United Nations and New York City spans almost eight decades now. This comprehensive repositioning plan for these buildings combined with new long-term leases only strengthens our partnership even further.” Photo credit: Neptuul/Wikipedia.

This announcement marks an exciting step forward in revitalizing one of NYC’s most iconic locations – One & Two United Nations Plaza – thanks to a joint effort from Mayor Eric Adams , Governor Kathy Hochul ,andtheUnitedNationsDevelopmentCorporation(UNDC). With an estimated budgetof$500million,theplanwillcoveranareaofapproximately900000squarefeetandincludebuilding-wide renovations led bytheUN DCaswellasrenovationsbythetenantsintheirleasedofficespaces.As apartofthisagreement,theUnitedNationshascommittedtolong-terml easesforspacesatUNPlaza.


George Klein, chairman of UNDC, stated: “The partnership between the United Nations and New York City has a rich history spanning nearly 80 years. This comprehensive repositioning plan for the buildings, combined with new long-term leases, will only strengthen our partnership for many more years to come.” Photo credit: Neptuul/Wikipedia.

This exciting news marks a major milestone in the revitalization of one of NYC’s most iconic locations – One & Two United Nations Plaza. Mayor Eric Adams , Governor Kathy Hochul ,andtheUnitedNationsDevelopmentCorporation(UNDC)havejoinedforcestounveilaplanfora$500milliondevelopmentprojectthatwillcoveranareaofapproximately900000squarefeet.Theplanincludesbuilding-widerenovationsledbytheUND Caswellasrenovationsbythetenantsintheirleasedofficespaces.As apartofthisagreement,theUnitedNationshascommittedtolong-terml easesforspacesatUNPlaza.

Constructionisexpectedtobegininthesecondquarterof2025withSpacesmithservingasthearchitect,CosentiniAssociateshandlingmechanical,electrical,andplumbingengineeringwork,andTurnerConstructionCompanyactingasconstructionmanager.CBREadvisedonbehalfof UN DCwhileNewmarkactedasadvisortotheUNITED NATIONS .

“The partnership between The United Nations and New York City spans almost eight decades now,” said George Klein, chairman of UNDC. “This announcement marks an important step forward in strengthening our relationship through this comprehensive repositioning plan and new long-term leases at these iconic buildings.” Photo credit: Neptuul/Wikipedia.

About the Publisher:
Steve Griffin is based in sunny Palm Harbor, Florida. He’s an accountant by profession and the owner of GRIFFIN Tax and REVVED Up Accounting. In addition, Steve founded Madison Avenue Technology. With a strong passion for commercial real estate, he’s also dedicated to keeping you up to date with the latest industry news.

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