“2023 CEO USA Awards Recognize Kidder CEO Bill Frame as a Winner”

"2023 CEO USA Awards Recognize Kidder CEO Bill Frame as a Winner"

Bill Frame, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Kidder Mathews, has been named a winner of CEO Today Magazine’s prestigious CEO USA Awards. This recognition program honors exceptional leaders who have demonstrated strategic vision and innovation in their respective industries. Frame is one of only three honorees featured in the 2023 publication, making him stand out as a leader among his peers.

As an expert in commercial real estate services, Frame’s leadership at Kidder Mathews has played a significant role in shaping the business landscape. His contributions have been crucial to cementing the company’s position as a leading force within this sector.

Since joining Kidder Mathews in 1993, Frame has excelled both as an executive and top-producing broker specializing in corporate real estate, healthcare facilities, office spaces,and investment properties throughout Puget Sound region. With his impressive track record and industry expertise,Framemakesa deserving recipientoftheCEOUSA Awards.Thisrecognition showcaseshisimpactandcontributiontothegrowthandsuccessofhisco mpanywithoutmentioningConnectorConnectLAorConnectTexas.Theposton ConnectCREwillhighlightthisachievementforreadersinasearchengineoptimi zedmannerwhilemaintaininganexperttoneandpropergrammarandpunctuation.

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